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Everyone says they ‘do BIM’ but how can you prove your company is more than smoke and mirrors – that you aren’t just learning on the job, and that your team is trained, competent and efficient? How do you capture and present the metrics that speak for themselves so that you can use skills competence as a competitive advantage to differentiate your company from others to win more bids?

Start Building With the Foundation

If someone proposed to start building a house roof-first, you would explain to them that’s a very inconvenient and inefficient way of doing things, and a pretty ridiculous idea. Why then, do we ignore the foundation of training and approach BIM from ‘the roof’ by implementing new systems and ways of collaborating without preparing people for it? Learning on the job is more costly, results in more mistakes and uses valuable project time for learning, not doing meaningful work. Choosing the right training is the only thing that will set you up for success in implementing and rolling-out BIM.

What Gets Measured Gets Improved

When your people are trained to be a world-class team, you should have the numbers to back you up. Consider using an LMS (Learning Management System) rather than an intraweb to house your training. An LMS will give you the capability of capturing not only training start and end dates but will allow you to track every individual learner, give you access to their test and exams scores and allow you to see how far into the training your team members are. So when you say you have an A-team, the LMS will give you the test scores to back it up.

I Came. I Trained. I Conquered.

How do you use training to win bigger, better bids? Consider the following: a highly billable professional (say, $200/h) spending 30 minutes trying to learn a software function on the spot is inefficient and costs the customer $100 of non-productive time. $100 can be the cost of your Global eTraining seat, which means that an average productivity gain a week gives you a 10,000% ROI on your training investment. When your people are trained, you don’t waste time, saving money for your client, and for your company as well. Clients like to pay for results. Deliver exceptional results with a competent and efficient team and grow your deal size.

To GeT started on your team training with our cloud-based Autodesk or Professional libraries, visit or email